RCS Zetta allows you to load music and traffic logs via the ASCIICON file format. I’ve created a Python script to monitor Zetta for any new log file imports, and email you a summary. This is particularly useful to monitor late-changes to traffic, so someone can check the timing of automated shifts.
The emails look like this:
The email has been designed to answer a few key questions, including which station, the log date, who performed the import, and what the breakdown of assets is. This allows the recipient (generally a music or content director) to quickly see what’s happened and take action if necessary.
There is also a variant of this email which sends if ONLY Spots are imported. This is so we can track traffic log loads separately.
Download the Zetta Log Load Email Script
This script has been written for Python 2.7, and RCS Zetta 4.1. It may work on earlier and later versions of Zetta.
Here’s the script:
To run this script, you must also download the PyPyODBC module, and have access to a SMTP server.
There are four configuration variables to be filled out at the top of the script:
- EMAIL_TO = “[email protected]”
- EMAIL_FROM = “[email protected]”
- EMAIL_SERVER = “mail.yourcompany.com”
- SQLConnectionString = ‘DSN=ZettaDb;’
The TO field is the email address of a recipient, or distribution list.
The FROM field is any email address to be seen as sending the email (it doesn’t necessarily have to exist).
The SERVER field is the DNS name or IP Address of your SMTP server. This script doesn’t use SMTP Authentication, so it’s best to point this at either the direct IP of your internal mail server, or perhaps at your ISP’s open relay.
The SQL Connection String is for a ODBC connection. In Windows, you need to open the ODBC Data Source Administrator (32-bit), and create a 32-bit Microsoft SQL Server DSN (either User or System) to your main Zetta Database Server. Ensure you specify credentials, and a default database. Enter the name you select of it in the DSN String for this Script.
When you run the script, it will automatically check for new log imports every 20 seconds. Leave it running on a Utility Server, and you’ll receive automatic emails all day long. It will run for any station in your Zetta Database.
This script has not been tested with GSelector Integrated sites. It may need some modifications to work with GSelector.