This page contains information on installing, setting up and configuring MetaRadio. If you need help with something not contained in these articles, please contact us directly with your query.
General Help & Getting Started
Input System Setup – Radio Automation Systems
- ACR Cloud (Standalone or WordPress Direct)
- Aeron Studio
- AudioVault
- AzuraCast
- Dalet 5.1e
- Dalet Galaxy
- iAutomate
- Icecast Input
- iMediaTouch
- Jazler RadioStar 2
- Live365
- mAirList
- MegaSeg
- Configure MegaSeg to use this TCP template.
- Myriad OCP
- Use our Myriad template to send song data to MetaRadio via TCP.
- NPR Composer 2
- Please contact our support team for assistance setting this up.
- NPR MetaPub
- NowPlaying2
- OmniPlayer
- Simply point MetaRadio at OmniPlayer’s Now Playing XML file.
- PlayIt Live
- Configure your automation system to use this template.
- PlayoutONE
- ProppFrexx OnAir
- RadioBOSS
- RadioDJ
- RCS Zetta
- RCS NexGen
- Rivendell 3
- Connect MetaRadio to Port 34289 on your Rivendell 3 server
- SAM Broadcaster
- Simian Pro 2.3
- Scott Studio SS32
- StationPlaylist Studio Pro
- Smarts Broadcast Systems Skylla
- Spinitron
- Virtual DJ
- WestwoodOne Satellite
- We can accept this data via UDP, as either DPS= or comma formatted data.
- WideOrbit Radio Automation
- ZaraRadio 1.6.2
- Zeno.FM
- Generic Automation Systems & Custom Inputs
RDS Encoder Configuration
- 2wcom C02 & C04
- Audemat FMB80 & FMB50
- Audessence
- BreakawayOne
- Deva SmartGen
- Inovonics
- Pira RDS
- StereoTool
- Nautel
- Omnia 7
- Omnia 9sg
- Omnia 9XE
- Orban Optimod
Other Outputs
- WordPress
- WordPress API Documentation
- HTML-only Song Finder
- Icecast
- Shoutcast
- TuneIn Radio
- Radioplayer
- Telos Z/IP Stream
- Use this LUA template in the Telos Z/IP Stream
- iBiquity/Xperi HD Radio
- Generic HTTP GET & POST endpoints
- Generic JSON files
- Custom TCP Output
- Custom Text File Output
- FTP Uploaded Text Files
- Orban Opticodec
- DTS AutoStage
- All In Media Radio App API
- Community Radio Plus App
- Streamguys Icecast
- Use the ‘Icecast Streamguys’ output to send album art along with title/artist to Streamguys Web Player v3.
- StreamS
- SecureNet DCS
- Cirrus Streaming
- Triton Digital Station Manager
- SiriusXM
- Fraunhofer ContentServer
- Configure a JSON RPC endpoint on your ContentServer, and direct MetaRadio to this endpoint
- Paneda DAB
- On the Paneda website, obtain a token for the virtual provider in question. The token need the permission ‘upload Pad‘. Add this to the ‘Password’ field in MetaRadio. After creating the PAD source under input sources, you will find the POST URL to use at the bottom of the page. (e.g. Enter this URL into MetaRadio.
- ODR-PadEnc
- Spinitron
- Onair2 WordPress Theme:
- Use this URL ( to connect into Onair2 – it contains the now playing data
Debug Log Files
MetaRadio contains detailed debug, info and error logging. These log files are often needed by our support team when we are trying to debug issues with different third-party systems. If we request these log files, please send them via email.
You can export the log files via the MetaRadio Dashboard – click the “Export Support Bundle” button to download your logs as a ZIP file. This ZIP can be provided to Media Realm Support.
You can also manually grab these files. These files are saved in C:\ProgramData\Media Realm\MetaRadio\. C:\ProgramData is a hidden folder in Windows, so you may need to enable viewing hidden files before you can navigate to this directory.
The latest log file is always called “MetaRadio.log”. At midnight, this file is renamed to contain yesterday’s date. Log files are kept for 14 days before being deleted.
Unicode Character Substitution
RDS does not support Unicode, so if your automation system contains non-Latin characters, you may ordinarily have trouble showing this on your RDS encoder.
MetaRadio now has a solution to this – we have a special conversion table which allows conversion of unusual unicode characters to standard ASCII characters.
This translation table is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Media Realm\MetaRadio\rds_unicode_replacement.txt
Each line indicates a Unicode decimal value, and the corresponding replacement ASCII character. You can edit this yourself to add extra characters, or contact us for assistance with your language.
Future releases will update this file with a more comprehensive list of characters. If you edit this file yourself, please keep a backup copy.