This article shows you how to schedule multiple radio automation systems in MetaRadio, so you can accept data from each system only when you need it. You might use this to do studio scheduling, scheduled syndication providers, scheduled audio fingerprinting, or really anything when you need to accept data from your automation system on a schedule.
MetaRadio allows you to send your now-playing song & title data from your radio automation system, through to countless output systems – including FM RDS, HD Radio, DAB, DAB+, Websites, Streaming Servers, Mobile Apps, and more! Schedules work for every input in MetaRadio.
This article assumes you have already installed MetaRadio and have it connected to your automation system.
Scheduling Your Inputs
To get started, open MetaRadio Configuration. This can be found via a shortcut on your desktop, or by going to
Go to the “Data Input/Stations” screen.

Navigate to your existing Input and click “Edit”.

This screen contains all the setup details for your radio automation system in MetaRadio. This is where you originally connected your system, and where you can configure advanced options such as filtering.
Every input has a section called “Input Schedule”. By default there are no schedule entries.
Clicking on “Add Schedule Entry” will create a new record. These schedules are on a 7-week, 24-hour basis.
A schedule entry should be created for every time you want a station to be Disabled.

This example above shows this station is Disabled on Monday 10am to 12pm, and Saturday 9am to 2pm.
If you have two Automation Systems in MetaRadio, and always want one of them to be active, you’d setup a schedule for both systems and ensure the Disabled times do not overlap.
Once you have Saved your changes, click “Apply and Restart”.

What happens when a Station is disabled?
When MetaRadio is running, it constantly checks the schedule and disables or enables stations as needed.
The black status window will say “Enabling station due to schedule requirements” when an input is enabled and “Disabling station due to schedule requirements” when an input is disabled.
MetaRadio will still accept data from disabled stations, but it will say “Ignoring data, as this station has been disabled”. We do this so you always have a realtime view of the data arriving in MetaRadio, even if it’s being ignored temporarily.