Media Realm’s Radio Websites product has a new, in-built Social Wall feature. This feature allows you to display posts from your Facebook and Instagram accounts on your website. You can feature these posts on your homepage, a dedicated social media page, show pages, or really any type of page on your site.

You can link unlimited social media network accounts to your sites, and then selectively embed these social profiles on any page. This feature is a replacement for using third party social wall embed products.

This feature is available to all users on the latest plans, and there are no impression limits or social profile limits. Users on legacy plans do not have access to this feature. Currently, we support connecting these types of social profiles:

  • Facebook Page
  • Instagram Business Profile

Connecting your Social Network Profiles

To get started, login to your WordPress Dashboard.

Go to WP Admin > Settings > Social Wall.

Click “Connect to Facebook” or “Connect to Instagram” and follow the login prompts.

Once you have connected your account, this page will display the list of connected profiles and the date/time the content was last refreshed. Content is refreshed automatically approximately once per hour, and you can click the “Refresh Content” button to manually refresh it earlier.

Social Wall Block

Once you have connected your Social Media profiles to WordPress, you can add the “Social Wall” block to a page. This block will allow you to embed your latest social content.

Go to any page (such as your Homepage or Social Media page) and add the “Social Wall” block.

This block has a number of settings.

  • Layout – select the style for your social media content
  • Items Per Row – choose how many posts per row you want to display
  • Maximum Quantity of Posts – this is the maximum number of posts that will be displayed on the page
  • Social Networks – you can choose to embed all connected Social Media profiles, or just specific Social Media profiles

Once you have setup your block, view the page and see your social content in action: