If you use our Radio Websites product, we have a number of RSS options available for you to be able to syndicate content from your website to another system (such as a mobile app or intranet).
This article explains how to use the feeds.
WordPress has a number of RSS feeds out of the box. You can see a list of example Feed URLs below.
In these examples, the site’s domain is www.example.com – you will need to change this to your own site domain.
- Posts: https://www.example.com/feed/
- Sponsors: https://www.example.com/sponsor/feed/
- Events: https://www.example.com/event/feed/
- Program Guide: https://www.example.com/feed/metaradio/guide/?station=station-name
- Post Category: https://www.example.com/category/category-name/feed/ (in this example, category-name is the slug for the category)
- Post Tag: https://www.example.com/tag/tag-name/feed/ (in this example, tag-name is the slug for the category)
- Post Author: https://www.example.com/author/author-username/feed/ (in this example, author-username is the username for the author)
Limits & Sorting
Any feed returning Posts is limited to 10 posts by default, but this can be changed in WP Admin > Settings > Reading.
RSS feeds for Sponsors and Events match the order of the directory page on your site. This means there is no limit on the quantity of these items, and they are sorted by event date or randomly for sponsors.
Images are included for every Post in the RSS feeds, so long as you have selected a Featured Image for each post in WordPress. See our Image Specifications for details on Image Sizes used in WordPress.
The RSS feeds output images in up two <enclosure> tags:
<enclosure url="https://www.example.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image.jpg" length="12345" type="image/jpeg"/>
The first <enclosure> tag is the standard Featured Image for a post in WordPress. This should be the landscape image, preferably in 1300px x 400px size.
The second <enclosure> tag is the ‘Featured Image – Square’ image available for use in your WordPress site, and should be 600px x 600px.
If either of these images is missing, just one <enclosure> tag will be displayed. If both images are missing, no <enclosure> tags will be displayed.
Program Guide RSS Feed
RSS is not well suited to providing a Program Guide via an API, however we do recognise some people wish to use RSS to display their program guide in an off-the-shelf system such as a template mobile app. You may also wish to look at the APIs available in MetaRadio.
The <description> and <content:encoded> fields in the RSS are populated with the program date/time and excerpt (if available).
Shows are always sorted Sunday to Saturday.
The image used is the 600px x 600px Program image setup in MetaRadio. This image is found in WP Admin > MetaRadio > Programs.
Customising <channel> RSS Fields
There is some customisation available to override the default RSS fields. These customisations are available in WP Admin > Appearance > Customizer > Theme: RSS.
The fields available to edit are:
- Channel Title
- Channel Description
- Channel Link
- Channel Image
A separate set of fields exists for each post type. If you do not manually specify a value here, the WordPress defaults will be used instead.

Customising <item> RSS Fields
To disable the ‘this post originally appeared on’ text in each Item, go to WP Admin > Yoast SEO > Search Appearance > RSS and modify the template field.

<description> will contain the excerpt, and <content:encoded> can be toggled between the excerpt and the full body HTML of the post. This toggle is set in WP Admin > Settings > Reading.